Thursday, December 18, 2008

Relationship Between Healthy Food And Effective Weight Loss System

Before I start discussing relationship between healthy food and effective weight loss system, I would like to ask one big question from you before going into this interesting topic.

Do you really think that eating of balance diet plays a big role in effective weight loss system?

I will want you to answer it yourself, but for me I think the answer is yes, and if the answer is yes, I won't mind writing on importance of balance diet and give you some good combination of diet that will help you to live a good life.

I think people tend to underestimate the importance of having a balance diet.The lack of balance diet can be hazardous to anyone's health. Lack of certain valuable nutrient in our diet can disease.

Diet can be defined in 2 ways:

• what a person eats: the food that a person consumed

• controlled intake of food: a controlled intake of food and drink designed for weight loss for health reasons to control or improve a medical condition.

If there is one major health issue that we can have control on it is our diet. Eating habit can be dependent on living area and the genetic make up.

Another issue is that people tend to classify food into good or bad food. They think that just because a certain food is good for something, abusing it will have good effect on their system. That is a big lie, because eating a single type of food will lead to the lack of vital nutrient that the abused food doesn't have.

So what is the secretes? How can we makeup healthy eating system?

The answer is in one single term: BALANCE. The fact is that the stress and the speed at which things are developing around us make most of us only take to the diet we are used to, but when it comes trying out a different approach, we find it very difficult. Like they say bad habit die hard.

Generally healthy diets must contain:

• Calories used in the maintain aces of personal energy needs.

• Fat within certain limit. what a big surprise but that is the fact you need by not in excess.

• Trans fats from hydrogenated plant oils are not allowed

• Amino acids: used for cellular replenishment

• Micronutrient: like vitamins and specific mineral.

All these combinations are needed and very important.

Seyi Arigbabowo has helped hundreds of people learn about an effective weight loss strategy; for more hard hitting review and revelations please visit :

Five Easy Ways to Prepare Healthy Food For Work

Did you know that the two most common reasons for not losing body fat are not preparing your own food and struggling to find motivation to exercise? Whilst both are critical to any fitness regime both can be easily rectified with a little bit of planning!

This article seeks to address the nutrition side of the failure to achieve results. The truth is that nutrition is much more of a barrier than people think. Many believe that simply "doing a bit more exercise" will solve the problem but in nearly every case it won't!

It seems everyone you meet these days has a high-pressured, desk-bound office job, so the problem of finding time to prepare food continues to grow exponentially.

The convenience of junk food outlets and even salt and fat-laden sandwich shops only serves to compound the problem as there is even less incentive to find out how to make healthy food for the day ahead.

The problem is something of a vicious circle because the more stress increases, the more a person is panicked into trying to ram more into their day to keep up.

This leads to less eating time and less nutrients which encourages the production of stress hormones such as cortisol, a by-product of the body's survival mechanism. This is triggered by various events including lack of nutrients which are used to keep internal systems functioning.

Is it really that big a deal if you're not eating properly? So long as you can get through your working day surely you're doing enough?

It really depends on what you want out of life. If falling asleep at your desk, being permanently stressed, taking it out on your family and being disgusted by what you see in the mirror is okay with you, then no it's not a problem!

In these times of looming economic crisis, the ability to be at the top of your game all day at work and then have the energy and body to enjoy your hobbies and sports is absolutely critical!

Without a well-oiled body, mental and physical strength is right around the next corner! Fortunately there are lots of simple solutions which everyone can implement whether you're a high-powered executive, a busy mum or someone on irregular shifts.

A few minutes planning each day can save months of distress, dissatisfaction with your job and life in general. You'll be surprised how much better everything appears as a result.

Here are the top five ways to make sure you're eating clean, natural food every single day. Implement them all and you will notice changes within days!

One task is to buy lots of raw vegetables which don't even need a few minutes in the steamer! Choose carrots, spinach, cucumber, tomatoes, spring onions, rocket and peppers. Wash, chop, put in Tupperware for the day. This will take you 5 minutes.

Second when you, your partner or whoever cooks for you is preparing your evening meal, ask them to grill a chicken breast or fish fillet. Simple grilling machines are available for next to nothing and will grill chicken breasts or fish in 7-8 minutes.

Leave them to cool then it's ready to go in your box with the vegetables. That means nothing to do in the morning when you're half asleep!

Another top tip to make the most of your evening meal is to cook double what you need, serve up what you want for dinner then save some for the next day. Box it up after dinner then it's ready for tomorrow.

This is an easy step and won't require any extra time other than grabbing it from the fridge in the morning! Some people take this further by using an hour or two of their weekend to prepare all the food they need for the week - batch up the task as much as possible for extra-efficiency!

If you prefer to prepare your food in the morning, put some eggs to boil whilst you eat breakfast. This will take you 5 minutes or so by which time the eggs will be done. Take them out then run under cold water.

Leave them to cool whilst you shower then de-shell them when you are ready! Making the most of your time is easy when you think about it!

Task number five is to find a healthy, natural protein supplement. Get a powder which you can put in a shaker. When you need food during the day but don't have time to sit and eat, add water or milk to your shake and knock it back.

The protein will be used to maintain your muscle mass and keep you feeling satisfied. Remember these should be used as supplements NOT replacements as they are often touted.

Your sixth job is to stock up on tinned fish. These provide as easy way to get healthy protein and fats in your diet. Empty the tin into your box of vegetables and that's the job done!

None of these jobs chop more than a few minutes off your morning or evening. The truth is that 10 minutes preparation can save you the 20 minute round trip to the cob shop at lunch anyway!

If you are willing to look for solutions rather than excuses you'll soon see how easy it is! You might have to get up at 06.50 rather than 07.00 but this won't be a problem when your physical and mental worries and constant fatigue disappear as a result of your clean, energy-boosting diet!

Jon Le Tocq created the online Storm Force Fitness concept which continues to produce amazing fat loss and conditioning results without gym membership!

Find out more on fast nutrition and training methods or scour my blog for more!

Healthy Food

Food is an important element for the health of our body. Pollution, hereditary factors, noise, the environment where we are born, others' behavior do not depend on us, but we can always decide what to eat or not to eat.

Four Basic Nutrients

Water, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are the main elements of a healthy diet. If you choose the healthiest version of these nutrients and you eat them moderately, you can help your body function at an optimal level.

1. Water - it is recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water per day (2 liters).

2. Carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates: sugar in milk, honey, and sweet fruit

Complex carbohydrates include fibers and starch, in bread and pasta, in beans or in potatoes.

3. Proteins - Complete proteins that can be found in meat, fish, cheese, eggs, yogurt, and milk, products based on soya - tofu, soya oil, and soya meat - contain complete proteins. Incomplete proteins can be found in cereals and vegetables.

4. Fats
Saturate fat acids are found in beef, lamb, pork, ham, and dairy products. Poly saturate fat acids can be found in different types of fish (tuna, salmon, and mackerel) and in vegetable oils - sunflower oil, soya oil or maize oil.

Essential Food for your Health

Money saved to eat at a fast food restaurant are not actually saved because you will use them after some time to treat your cold or other diseases that are consequences of unhealthy eating. Food should be the healthiest investment for your family. Here you can find a short list including the healthiest foods.

1. Fish Oil

It is healthier than fish and it can bring you many advantages:
• It prevents heart diseases, cancer, depression, arthritis, diabetes, ulcer and Alzheimer syndrome;
• It amplifies the energy level and the concentration capacity;
• It offers the greatest resistance against common diseases like flu and cold;
• It can help pregnant women avoid premature birth and other complications.

2. Fresh Vegetables
Nothing compares to the nutritional value of fresh vegetables. Apart from many nutrients, folic acid in green leafed vegetables prevent diseases, especially neurodegenerative ones, like Parkinson, and antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin E) can help you keep your wit. If you eat especially animal proteins, you must opt for vegetables that are low in potassium - cauliflower, green peas, spinach, lettuce, and mushrooms.

3. Raw Eggs
Raw egg is an amazing food for your mind and your immune system. Even though it can take you quite long until you get used to it, do not forget that proteins and fats contained by eggs are essential for your body. Cooked eggs do not bring the same benefits from the nutritional point of view. There are more methods to eat raw eggs. You can simply swallow it quickly, or you can mix it with milk and banana shake or with vegetables juice.

4. Fresh Milk
Fresh milk is an amazing source of proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins. Pasteurized milk does not offer the same benefits as fresh milk does.

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You Need To Know What Is In Your Food

Whether you're concerned about cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or simply losing weight, you want to eat a healthy diet and focus on foods that are high in vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, and balanced in fats, carbs, proteins.

There is only one way to incorporate healthy foods into our diet and that is to make the decision to do it! Practical information about the nutrition and safety of the foods we consume is absolutely vital in making this decision.

One way to learn more about what we eat, is to snoop around the supermarket. Check-out package labels to see what manufactures are adding (or removing) from the foods we eat. Read the information on the package and start making comparisons to determine which foods are the best for YOU. Know about nutritional labeling and the sometimes sneaky ways that manufacturers have of hiding what is in the food. Know and understand ingredient declarations, how they are used, and what a few of the "technical" terms mean. Are the unfamiliar ingredients good or bad for your health?

Since 1994 food manufacturers have been required by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to include food labels (or Nutrition Facts labels) on product packaging so that consumers have accurate nutritional information about the food they purchase. But food labels are more than just a federal requirement – once you understand the information they provide, you can use food labels as a guide to planning healthier meals and snacks.

Food labels are required on almost all foods, except those that don't provide many nutrients such as coffee, alcohol and spices. Although some restaurants provide information about the food they serve, they aren't required to have labels. The FDA recommends that sellers provide nutritional information on produce, meat, poultry and seafood, but it's strictly voluntary.

What Is a Serving?

At the top of a food label under Nutrition Facts, you'll see the serving size and the number of servings in the package. The rest of the nutrition information in the label is based on one serving.

Calories, Calories From Fat and Percent Daily Values

This part of a food label provides the calories per serving and the calories that come from fat. If you need to know the total number of calories you eat every day or the number of calories that come from fat, this section provides that information. Remember that this part of the label doesn't tell you whether you are eating saturated or unsaturated fat.

On the right side of a food label, you'll see a column that lists percentages. These percentages refer to the percent daily values (%DV). Percent daily values tell you how much of something, whether it's fat, sugar or vitamin A, one serving will give you compared to how much you need for the entire day. It will help you gauge the percentage of a nutrient requirement met by one serving of the product. One way to use this section of the label is when you comparison shop. For example, if you're concerned with sodium, you can look at two foods and choose the food with the lower % DV. Are you trying to eat a low-fat diet? Look for foods that have a lower percent daily value of fat.

The %DV is based on how much or how little of the key nutrients you should eat whether you eat 2,000 or 2,500 calories a day. So if you eat a 2,000-calorie diet, you should eat less than 65 grams of fat in all the foods you eat for the day. If you're eating 12 grams of fat in your one serving of macaroni and cheese (remember that's one cup), you can calculate how much fat you have left for the day. You can use the bottom part of the food label in white to compare what you are eating to the % DV you're allowed for that nutrient, whether it's fat, sodium or fiber. If you need more or less than 2,000 or 2,500 calories, you'll need to adjust this accordingly.


Fat, Sugar, Sodium and Carbohydrate

The sections on a food label shows the name of a nutrient and the amount of that nutrient provided by one serving of food. You may need to know this information, especially if you have high blood pressure, diabetes or are eating a diet that restricts certain nutrients such as sodium or carbohydrates.

Food labels also include information about how much sugar and protein is in the food. If you are following a low-sugar diet or you're monitoring your protein intake, it's easy to spot how much of those nutrients are contained in one serving.

Vitamins, Minerals and Other Information

The light purple part of the label lists nutrients, vitamins and minerals in the food and their percent daily values. Try to average 100% DV every day for vitamins A and C, calcium, iron and fiber. Do the opposite with fat, saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol. Try to eat less than 100% DV of these.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Reading a Food Label

Until you become accustomed to reading food labels, it's easy to become confused. Avoid these common mistakes when reading labels:

-A label may say that the food is reduced fat or reduced sodium. That means that the amount of fat or sodium has been reduced by 25% from the original product. It doesn't mean, however, that the food is low in fat or sodium. For example, if a can of soup originally had 1,000 milligrams of sodium, the reduced sodium product would still be a high-sodium food.

-Don't confuse the % DV for fat with the percentage of calories from fat. If the % DV is 15% that doesn't mean that 15% of the calories comes from fat. Rather, it means that you're using up 15% of all the fat you need for a day with one serving (based on a meal plan of 2,000 calories per day).

-Don't make the mistake of assuming that the amount of sugar on a label means that the sugar has been added. For example, milk naturally has sugar, which is called lactose. But that doesn't mean you should stop drinking milk because milk is full of other important nutrients including calcium.

Reading Label Lingo

In addition to requiring that packaged foods contain a Nutrition Facts label, the FDA also regulates the use of phrases and terms used on the product packaging. Here's a list of common phrases you may see on your food packaging and what they actually mean.

No fat or fat free - Contains less than 1/2 gram of fat per serving Lower or reduced fat: Contains at least 25 percent less per serving than the reference food. (An example might be reduced fat cream cheese, which would have at least 25 percent less fat than original cream cheese.)

Low fat - Contains less than 3 grams of fat per serving.

Lite - Contains 1/3 the calories or 1/2 the fat per serving of the original version or a similar product.

No calories or calorie free - Contains less than 5 calories per serving.

Low calories - Contains 1/3 the calories of the original version or a similar product.

Sugar free - Contains less than 1/2 gram of sugar per serving.

Reduced sugar - at least 25% less sugar per serving than the reference food.

No preservatives - Contains no preservatives (chemical or natural).

No preservatives added - Contains no added chemicals to preserve the product. Some of these products may contain natural preservatives.

Low sodium - Contains less than 140 mgs of sodium per serving.

No salt or salt free - Contains less than 5 mgs of sodium per serving.

High fiber - 5 g or more per serving (Foods making high-fiber claims must meet the definition for low fat, or the level of total fat must appear next to the high-fiber claim).

Good source of fiber - 2.5 g to 4.9 g. per serving.

More or added fiber - Contains at least 2.5 g more per serving than the reference food.

With a little practice, you will be able to put your new found knowledge about food labeling to work. Reassess your diet and decide what needs to be changed. Start by eliminating the foods that don't measure-up to your nutritional wants and needs, and replacing them with more nutritional substitutes.

And while you're at it, visit the FDA website and learn about the new labeling requirements, including those for "trans" fat. Like saturated fats, trans fats can raise levels of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and increase your risk of heart disease. The "Nutrition Facts" panel on food packaging must provide this information beginning January 1, 2006, but most manufacturers will start providing it sooner.

Health Food Versus Junk Food In Today’s Society

McDonalds Burger King Pizza Hut There are dozens of fast food chains in every part of the world, making it quite difficult for anyone to have a strict diet. Who would want a salad when they could easily have a large fry and an entire pizza? Unfortunately, the foods that taste the best are often the worst for your body. While we usually ignore this important fact, it is crucial that we at least try to consume nutritional food four days out of the week.

Since the health trend has spiked in most recent years, a myth has circulated across the globe. Most people feel that “nutritional food” – the types of products with an abundance of fiber, protein, and other vitamins, taste like the bottom of your toilet seat. Although many of these products do taste a bit bland, there are plenty that are delicious. It is just a matter of weeding out the disgusting foods and focusing on the ones that taste the best.

If you are trying your best to be healthy, it is essential to find foods that will treat your bodies well. Most grocery stores include products that have an “organic” symbol at the bottom of each box. This is great to look for, especially if you are searching for healthy alternatives. Once you have come across this symbol, you should try to find something high in fiber. For instance, Fiber One cereals or Kashi products are very high in the nutrients your body needs. Fortunately, they also taste amazing. Looking for something sweeter? Add a few berries to your cereal each morning.

Looking for wheat products is also key. Instead of buying Wonder bread, opt for whole grain or wheat. These types of products are much better for your bodies, and actually include the fiber that you should be getting. Not ready to give up all of the bagels and danishes? At least try buying the low fat wheat bagels, which barely taste any different. Add light cream cheese, and you are all set for a healthy breakfast.

Aside from organic foods and whole wheat bread, you should be taking nutritional supplements. While some people enjoy swallowing their daily vitamin, others like to be creative. Noni Juice is a popular favorite, as it is a natural fruit juice that does not have any extra preservatives. Looking for sweetness with all of the nutrients? Noni Juice is the perfect product, if that is what you are looking for. It not only boosts your immune system, but it gives you energy, and it fights off viruses that are trying to get you sick.

Health food is always going to somewhat have a negative connotation. After all, it never will be Pizza Hut or Burger King. However, these junk foods will by no means give you the nutrition that you desperately seek. By eating healthy foods and looking great, you will not only feel better about yourself, but you’ll have additional energy. It is a known fact that you will feel much different if you consume foods with fiber and nutrients. Once you start eating these types of groceries, chances are you’ll turn the other cheek to fast food chains.

Healthy Eating And Super Food - 3 Food Categories That Help Burn Fat

I'm wondering if you're already aware of what I'm about to share with you? There is some good news for people trying to lose fat and slim down to a healthier and more attractive lifestyle: there are actually foods you can eat with will burn fat for you with any effort on your part. Even better, they can easily be assimilated into any diet; in fact, you may already be eating them on a regular basis and not even know it.

These types of foods actually burn more calories than their own caloric content. They are natural plant food and certain dairy items, and they are as follows:

Foods That Help Burn Fat #1: Citrus

These foods include limes, lemons, grapefruit, tangerines, and oranges. To get the most benefit from them you need to eat them in their freshest form, which means all by themselves. Don't attempt to cut them up and use them for a marinade because you will lose the calorie burning benefits. In addition, don't assume drinking them in juice form will work. Most juices bought at the store are filled with preservatives that negate the calorie burning benefits.

Foods That Help Burn Fat #2: Fruits and Vegetables

Not just any fruits and vegetables though, but fruits and vegetables that are rich in Cellulose. These include watermelon, cabbage, asparagus, carrots, broccoli, apples, and blueberries. Again, remember that certain food preparation can negate the calorie burning benefits of these foods, especially when it comes to the vegetables. To fully achieve the best benefits from vegetables you should only steam them. In addition, don't slather them in butter for taste.

Foods That Help Burn Fat #3: Dairy

Unlike the other foods mentioned above, which you can eat as much of as you want, you have to ingest dairy in moderation. These products include low-fat milk, low-fat yogurt, and white cheese. Make sure and follow the recommended daily allowance on the package closely. Dairy products can be helpful in burning calories, but they also contain other nutrients that you don't want to get too much of, such as carbohydrates.

While eating these foods alone will help you burn calories, if you really want to exacerbate their effects you should combine an exercise routine with the diet. This way you get twice the calorie burning effects. In order to lose one pound per week it is a scientific fact that a person must cut their caloric intake by as much as 500 calories per day. This can be hard to do, but if you work out at least 30 minutes a day and eat these fat burning foods, the process becomes much easier. You'll find that you're less hungry and that you also feel much better about yourself.

Living healthy and looking attractive are goals that everybody can obtain. It is not food that is the enemy, but the food choices people make. And by making the food choice above, people are making the right decision for reaching these goals.