It often takes several small-scaled researches that show promise before the government steps in to help in financing larger scaled research. Such was the case with the health benefits of chocolate. Mostly it's because the FDA wants to know the preliminary studies done before they fund a major project.
It is the responsibility of the food companies to research the nutritional value of the products they produce. If they could fund the research through independent colleges and universities and produce exiting new data then the FDA that this is a worthwhile endeavor for the taxpayers' money.
So where does chocolate fit into this?
Scientists are finding that chocolate has similar compounds that are in other foods like fruits, vegetables, tea, red wine, and tomatoes.
The tea, grape, and chocolate industries are just starting to really explore the benefits of the antioxidants they contain.
So the researchers and scientists have good news for chocolate lovers. The preliminary research shows that chocolate may be healthy for you. Research so far shows that cocoa and other chocolates may lower blood pressure thus keeping your heart healthy. Reason being is the Nitric Oxide contained in chocolate.
Nitric Oxide helps healthy blood flow by preventing blood clots therefore helps in keeping your blood pressure. Nitric Oxide is found in the flavonoids in chocolate; that is why it has healthy potential. So far, scientists have found over 4,000 flavonoids further supporting the theory that chocolate. Incidentally in chocolate flavonoids are called flavonols.
.In another independent study involving forty people ages range between 20 to 40 year old people. The results of the prevention of blood clots supported the earlier research. The group took 25 grams of semi-sweet chocolate pieces and 81 milligrams of aspirin. Now, scientists aren't recommending that people just rely on foods like chocolate to prevent blood clots. They found that aspirin lasts longer then flavonoids. In fact, the study showed that the body tended to adjust to the flavonoids so the effects went down.
When specialists in the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome field looked into chocolate, they considered chocolate to be one the substances that people who suffer from CFS should stay away from chocolate. The specialists noted that often times people who suffer from CFS have hypoglycemia so the sugar high that chocolate produces doesn't cause the "crash" that follows.
However, for the rest of us, Cacao, from which chocolate is made, has antibacterial properties that fight tooth decay.
The smell alone might raise Theta brains waves and help in relaxing.
Men may consider it. Studies show that men who consume dark chocolate on a regular basis live a year longer than those who don't.
So chocolate not only helps in keeping your heart healthy but also may help prevent tooth decay.
Chocolate also contains Serotonin in the brain increasing the general feeling of well-being.
The cocoa butter in chocolate contains oleric acid, a mono-unsaturated fat that may raise your good cholesterol.
In the long run, the health benefit may out weight the negatives.
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