Thursday, December 18, 2008

Five Easy Ways to Prepare Healthy Food For Work

Did you know that the two most common reasons for not losing body fat are not preparing your own food and struggling to find motivation to exercise? Whilst both are critical to any fitness regime both can be easily rectified with a little bit of planning!

This article seeks to address the nutrition side of the failure to achieve results. The truth is that nutrition is much more of a barrier than people think. Many believe that simply "doing a bit more exercise" will solve the problem but in nearly every case it won't!

It seems everyone you meet these days has a high-pressured, desk-bound office job, so the problem of finding time to prepare food continues to grow exponentially.

The convenience of junk food outlets and even salt and fat-laden sandwich shops only serves to compound the problem as there is even less incentive to find out how to make healthy food for the day ahead.

The problem is something of a vicious circle because the more stress increases, the more a person is panicked into trying to ram more into their day to keep up.

This leads to less eating time and less nutrients which encourages the production of stress hormones such as cortisol, a by-product of the body's survival mechanism. This is triggered by various events including lack of nutrients which are used to keep internal systems functioning.

Is it really that big a deal if you're not eating properly? So long as you can get through your working day surely you're doing enough?

It really depends on what you want out of life. If falling asleep at your desk, being permanently stressed, taking it out on your family and being disgusted by what you see in the mirror is okay with you, then no it's not a problem!

In these times of looming economic crisis, the ability to be at the top of your game all day at work and then have the energy and body to enjoy your hobbies and sports is absolutely critical!

Without a well-oiled body, mental and physical strength is right around the next corner! Fortunately there are lots of simple solutions which everyone can implement whether you're a high-powered executive, a busy mum or someone on irregular shifts.

A few minutes planning each day can save months of distress, dissatisfaction with your job and life in general. You'll be surprised how much better everything appears as a result.

Here are the top five ways to make sure you're eating clean, natural food every single day. Implement them all and you will notice changes within days!

One task is to buy lots of raw vegetables which don't even need a few minutes in the steamer! Choose carrots, spinach, cucumber, tomatoes, spring onions, rocket and peppers. Wash, chop, put in Tupperware for the day. This will take you 5 minutes.

Second when you, your partner or whoever cooks for you is preparing your evening meal, ask them to grill a chicken breast or fish fillet. Simple grilling machines are available for next to nothing and will grill chicken breasts or fish in 7-8 minutes.

Leave them to cool then it's ready to go in your box with the vegetables. That means nothing to do in the morning when you're half asleep!

Another top tip to make the most of your evening meal is to cook double what you need, serve up what you want for dinner then save some for the next day. Box it up after dinner then it's ready for tomorrow.

This is an easy step and won't require any extra time other than grabbing it from the fridge in the morning! Some people take this further by using an hour or two of their weekend to prepare all the food they need for the week - batch up the task as much as possible for extra-efficiency!

If you prefer to prepare your food in the morning, put some eggs to boil whilst you eat breakfast. This will take you 5 minutes or so by which time the eggs will be done. Take them out then run under cold water.

Leave them to cool whilst you shower then de-shell them when you are ready! Making the most of your time is easy when you think about it!

Task number five is to find a healthy, natural protein supplement. Get a powder which you can put in a shaker. When you need food during the day but don't have time to sit and eat, add water or milk to your shake and knock it back.

The protein will be used to maintain your muscle mass and keep you feeling satisfied. Remember these should be used as supplements NOT replacements as they are often touted.

Your sixth job is to stock up on tinned fish. These provide as easy way to get healthy protein and fats in your diet. Empty the tin into your box of vegetables and that's the job done!

None of these jobs chop more than a few minutes off your morning or evening. The truth is that 10 minutes preparation can save you the 20 minute round trip to the cob shop at lunch anyway!

If you are willing to look for solutions rather than excuses you'll soon see how easy it is! You might have to get up at 06.50 rather than 07.00 but this won't be a problem when your physical and mental worries and constant fatigue disappear as a result of your clean, energy-boosting diet!

Jon Le Tocq created the online Storm Force Fitness concept which continues to produce amazing fat loss and conditioning results without gym membership!

Find out more on fast nutrition and training methods or scour my blog for more!

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